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Customized puzzles

More memorable than a bottle of wine, more mindful than a box of chocolates and more long-lasting than most standard promotional items.

Each At Piece puzzle takes an average of 14 hours to create. That means 14 hours of meditative enjoyment piecing together the puzzle of your brand story - ideal for your seasonal and corporate gifts, implementation of internal values and visions and much more.

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The real value of downtime

At Piece jigsaw puzzles are all about slowing down. As you start focusing on the pieces, the mind enters a meditation-like state and starts to recharge. This has been proven to improve problem-solving skills, teamwork, productivity and much more.

To solve the riddle that a puzzle is purely brain-wise, we uses different approaches. We learn the value of formulating theories, testing hypotheses and to change our perspectives when something does not go as it should planned. These skills are transferable to work, making us more innovative in problem solving, more critical thinking and better at to adapt.

Puzzles in the workplace are, according to Yale University researchers, helping to build and improve collaboration between colleagues.

When concentration improves, our productivity soars. If we have problems staying focused on work, it helps to take a short break to do a puzzle and reset the brain. Therefore is many businesses have started having puzzles in their rest areas.

Create the perfect puzzle gift for your colleagues, customers and/or business partners

The puzzle will be customized and designed to tell your brand story

The box will be designed with the puzzle motiv to match your brand

We will design an organic cotton bag for the puzzle pieces, in your name and brand

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The box will be packed with your wishes and you can also add a personal gift card


Rosendahl Design Group

We worked with Rosendahl Design Group to design a puzzle that visualized the story of their seven brands. We customized the puzzle box and bag and added a small iconic product from one of their brand collections. We also added small gifts of tea and chocolate to enjoy while doing the puzzle.

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Tell you brand story with pieces of peace

Contact us to arrange a meeting so you can see our At Piece puzzles in real life. We'd love to tell you more about how they can be customized and used for your organization and occasion.

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